Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Homework, Wednesday, May 8th

Exercise 6:

1. Research is being done to find a cure for diseases.

2. Studies are being conducted.

3. Reports are being written.

4. Animals are being used in experiments.

5. We are being informed of medical advances.

Exercise 7:

1. The textbook is being used for this exercise.

2. The passive voice is being practised.

3. The sentences are being changed from active to passive.

4. The mistakes are being corrected.

5. The teacher is being asked a question.

Exercise 8:

1. The students listen to the teacher. (A)

2. The students are being instructed by the teacher to use the passive voice. (P)

3. The students are filling in the blanks with passive or active verbs. (A)

4. A passive verb is being used in some of these sentences. (P)

5. We are using the textbook for this exercise. (A)

6. The teacher is correcting the students' mistakes. (A)

7.  The answers are being discussed. (P)

8. The students are practising the passive and the active voice. (A)

9. Modal verbs are not being studied at this time. (P)

Exercise 10:

1. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.

2. The Magic Flute was composed by Mozart.

3. The St. Lawrence River was explored by Jacques Cartier.

4. Canada's official Maple Leaf flag was adopted in 1965 by Parliament.

5. The Mona Lisa was painted by Da Vinci.

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